Verify Credentials

Verification process

In a typical verification process, there are three main parties:

  1. Issuer: Party that creates and issues a Verifiable Credential to a holder (individual or organization)

  2. Holder: Person or organization that holds the credential (e.g. degree, professional certificate, or identity document)

  3. Verifier: Party that checks that the credential is valid and authentic

Steps for the Verifier

Click on Verification in the left menu and select Create verification template

First, type in the Template Title and Template Purpose, which the holder will be able to see.

Optionally, you can choose a Verifier DID which will be shown to the holder so that they can verify who you are.

The verifier can choose which credential details the holder is required to share for the credential to be accepted. Each attribute will be either required for verification and if not present will return an invalid verification or optional which means that the holder can choose if they want to share that information or not.

The list will have only the attributes that are included in the credential schemas. If you want to include another attribute to the verification template you need to choose Custom Attribute and type in the name of the attribute.

When verifying Zero Knowledge Proof credentials, you can use range proof verification conditions, that will verify the credential without disclosing the actual value of an attribute. For example, if you want to verify that the credential holder is older than 18 you can choose attribute Age and condition is greater than 18.

Last step for a verification request is to click Request, which will generate a QR code. Every time a new request is made, it generates a new QR code. ​

Steps for the Holder

First step for the holder is to Scan the QR code with their wallet and select the credential(s) that contain the information the verifier is requesting.

If the credentials were issued with Zero Knowledge Proof signatures the holder will be able to choose which details on the credentials to share with the verifier.

If the credentials are valid and the verification is successful, this is what the holder will see a Verification Successful message, if the credential could not be verified a Verification Failed message will appear.

Verification History

To see a log of all your verification requests, go to Verification and click on History.

When the credentials are valid it will show up as “Verified” under Status. The verifier won’t get a notification if the credential is invalid because Dock’s tools won’t let the holder submit invalid credentials.

Verification request templates can only be created in Dock Certs, not the wallet. These templates can be important into the wallet from Dock Certs for wallet-to-wallet verification.

Wallet-to-Wallet Verification

After creating the verification request in Dock Certs it can be imported in to the wallet for a wallet-to-wallet verification.

Go to Settings and choose Credential Verifier.

Click Import via QR code and scan the verification template QR code generated in Dock Certs. See how to create a verification template here.

After the Verification template is imported you can share it with the holder to present and verify their credential.

Holder will scan this QR code with their Dock Wallet and follow the verification steps for the holder.

Last updated